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Pulse of Europe - Canarias                         San Agustín, 11 February 2018


Press Release




Pulse of Europe Canarias demands: Catalonian leadership must restore legality



Pulse of Europe - Canarias rejects separatists’ attempts to instrumentalise the EU to pursue constitutional changes in Spain. They must stop, too, abusing UN-structures for their separatist purpose. 


Pulse of Europe - Canarias supports the territorial integrity of Spain, and the observation of its constitution. The Spanish constitution has been adopted in a democratic manner. Any change of it must be decided in a democratic fashion, by the Parliament of Spain.


The constitutional order can be changed by the constitutional legislator, only. Therefore, the Catalonian leadership must stop trying to instrumentalise the EU and to abuse UN-structures for their objective of separation.


Pulse of Europe - Canarias notes that the UN concept of “self-determination of peoples” contains no automatic right for independence. In that respect, Pulse of Europe - Canarias observes that Catalonia already benefits of one of the highest degrees of autonomy, Europe-wide. The UN-system protects the territorial integrity of any of its member states.


Pulse of Europe - Canarias agrees to a Spain-wide debate on a possible enhancement of the region’s autonomies, including the Catalonian, and possibly to a federalisation of the country, to be decided by the procedures foreseen in the constitution, while insisting that any change must not loosen the territorial and economic cohesion of the country.



Information and contact:


Pulse of Europe - Canarias 






Pulse of Europe es un movimiento europeo, no partidista y no gubernamental parte de una red con miembros en más de 20 países europeos.

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